Immagine rappresentativa

ReadyForIT is a program designed to support the full realization of individual potential and aspirations by promoting work inclusion, as well as economic and social integration. The program aims to promote equal access to training in digital skills for young people in vulnerable conditions, enabling them to successfully enter the workforce.

Refugees & Migrants

ReadyForIT Refugees and Migrants is a comprehensive inclusion program developed in different phases. It targets young refugees and migrants who intend to approach and possibly find employement in the IT sector.
This program is promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture ETS and The Human Safety Net and supported by Accenture, Fondazione Conad ETS and UNHCR.

Labor Pathways for Refugees

ReadyForIT Labor Pathways for Refugees is a pilot program designed to facilitate the legal entry of refugees into Italy through work corridors.
The program is led by Fondazione Italiana Accenture ETS in collaboration with UNHCR, Diaconia Valdese CSD, Talent Beyond Boundaries, Pathways International, International Trade Center, and Unione Industriale Torino.

Not in Education, Employment or Training

ReadyForIT Not in Education, Employment or Training is a training program promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture ETS and Fondazione Vodafone. It aims to empower young people aged 19 to 34 years, who are neither employed nor in education by teaching them with the most in-demand digital skills needed to access the workforce.


ReadyForIT+ was created by Fondazione Italiana Accenture ETS and Fondazione Vodafone. It was one of the winners of the Onlife competition, promoted by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale.
The lessons were delivered from July 2023 to July 2024 free of charge, entirely online, and were structured into two levels of difficulty, allowing participants to partecipate according to their skills and needs.

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